Mad Men's fictional character Bert Cooper, played by Robert Morse, is supposed to be a big fan of (Ayn Rand and) everything Japanese. (spoilers follow) Matthew Weiner is planning to share with Mad Men's viewers in a later season a collection of haiku and other poems taken from Cooper's notebooks (seems he had the time to fill a few). Here is a sampling (in random order):
Speak not readily
Of Spring and cherry blossoms
In full August
A red sun rising
My soul lies unperturbed
In blackness - grief
Beginning anew
With the son of my brother
And three others
I knew Don Draper.
Don Draper worked for me - Pete,
You're no Don Draper
A Samurai's sword
Should be treated with respect
Even by movers
And here's a couple of limericks in Bert Cooper's collection:
I once took Lee Garner to chatter
He kept asking what is the matter
I knew smoking kills
But it does pay the bills
So I stayed confined to the latter.
I once met an adman named Guy
They said he could make donkeys fly
But he lost a foot
And he took the boot
So poor Lane was spared of Bombay
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