Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Dumbing Down of American Politics - Salon Magazine

Read this very interesting piece. This blog has very many disagreements with the Obama-Biden ticket's professed policies - in fact, it is closer to some of the things Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin are saying in the form of slogans. But the latter do not even come close to enunciating a proper conservative or libertarian position; they only give ridicule to ideas of smaller state intervention. Their support of the bail-out plan, as proposed by the Bush administration, is very indicative of their propensity to favor state intervention, when it seems politically expedient to do so. The lip service that the Republican ticket occasionally pays to libertarian ideas helps only to mock them further in the eyes of many people. Overall, the Republican ticket is a disaster for people espousing deregulation and free markets - and bringing the level of the discourse down to "folksiness" only makes matter worse.

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