The Vice-Presidential debate was all about Sarah Palin's performance; how would she do, whether she could speak, etc. (although, it seems, much of the presidential campaign is about Sarah Palin). Most people think she did better than expected, but then those expectations were set very low, after her complete mumbling answers to Katie Couric (whose rather timid questioning she called "gotchas"). So she proceeded with her prepared sound-bites, in the knowledge that the moderator was unable to expose her discrepancies through a follow-up question, peppering her answers with "doggone it"'s and supposed folksy charm. A nice show-off but, when you really think about it, a dreadful precursor of things to come, if she were to win the vice-presidency. Being a "Joe six-pack" would probably disqualify a person from the presidency, yet Gov. Palin seems to endorse the opposite idea: it doesn't matter if she cannot handle details, focus on the substance of questions, etc., as long as she speaks like a 19th century Wild West folk hero. Maybe the GOP should nominate Bart or Homer Simpson for the job next time (granted, they are not Wild West heroes, but, boy, they sure wish they were, plus they don't blink). In the process we found about this guy, Sen. Joe Biden, who seemed at times to really know his stuff on foreign policy. Not that I approve of the Obama-Biden duo's socialist-policy tendencies (in which they will probably not be checked by Congress, as it seems that economic populism is all the rage currently), but at least his thoughts seemed very coherent on some serious questions. Judging only by the debate, I'd vote hands down for him.